File Transfer Errors

Unfortunately, File Transfer requests sometimes don’t go as planned. We have incorporated detailed and comprehensive error messages to make sure that you are well informed and able to complete your request. Find all of our error codes and associated error messages below:

Users API - Error Codes

Code Category Error Description
MISSING_HEADERS Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: Employee Code, First Name, Last Name, Full Name, Email, Username, Phone Number, System Role
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD Structure One or more of the following field are missing. All of these field are required: Employeee Code, First Name, Last Name, Email, Username, System Role
EXTRA_DATA_OUTSIDE_HEADERS Structure There is extra data outside of the field headers. Delete the extra data in any line that contains more values than there are field headers.
EMPLOYEE_CODE_NOT_UNIQUE Invalid Data The field Employee Code is already used for another entry
EMAIL_NOT_UNIQUE Invalid Data The field Email is already used for another entry
USERNAME_NOT_UNIQUE Invalid Data The field Username is already used for another entry.
PHONE_NOT_UNIQUE Invalid Data The field Phone Number is already used for another entry
ROLE_INVALID Invalid Data The field System Role should be equal to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
USER_AND_EMPLOYEE_EXIST Invalid Data One active user & active employee already exist in the system with this username and are not linked together
EMPLOYEE_EXISTS Invalid Data One active employee already exists in the system with this code and is linked to another user
USER_EXISTS Invalid Data One active user already exists in the system with this username and is linked to another employee

Customers API - Error Codes

Code Category Error Description
MISSING-HEADERS Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: Code Name, Region, Area, Subarea, Ward, Address, Type Segment, Phone, Email Owner's name
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD Structure One or more of the following field are missing. All of these field are required: Name, Area, Subarea, Address, Type, Segment
EXTRA_DATA_OUTSIDE_HEADERS Structure There is extra data outside of the field headers. Delete the extra data in any line that contains more values than there are field headers.
CODE_NOT_UNIQUE Invalid Data The field Customer Code is already used for another entry
NAME_INVALID Invalid Data The format of field Customer Name is invalid
AREA_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Area does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
SUBAREA_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Subarea does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
TYPE_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Type does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
SEGMENT_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Segment does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
ADDRESS_INVALID Invalid Data The format of field Customer Address is invalid.
CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The customer you want to delete has not been found in the system

Territories - Error Codes

Code Category Error Description
MISSING_HEADERS Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: Customer Code, Sales Rep Code , From, Action
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: Territory Code, Customer Code, Sales Rep Code
EXTRA_DATA_OUTSIDE_HEADERS Structure There is extra data outside of the field headers. Delete the extra data in any line that contains more values than there are field headers.
FROM INVALID Invalid Data The format of the field From is invalid
CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Customer Codedoes not match with something configured in your Data Source.
CUSTOMER_ALREADY_ASSIGNED Invalid Data The Customer Customer Code is already mapped to another Sales Rep. Overlapping of Customers is not allowed in your Company Setup.
SALES_REP_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Sales Rep Codedoes not match with something configured in your Data Source.
DELETE_FAIL_NO_ASSOCIATION_FOUND Invalid Data No active association found in the system

Prescribers API - Error Codes

Code Category Error Description
MISSING-HEADERS Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: Prescriber Code, Prescriber Name, Prescriber Phone, Prescriber Email, Can Prescribe Drugs?, Can Purchase Drugs?, Prescriber Segment, Prescriber First Name, Prescriber Last Name, Prescriber Private Email, Prescriber Private Phone, Prescriber Social Network, Prescriber Type, Prescriber Subtype, Location Name, Location AddressLine1, Location AddressLine2, Location AddressLine3, Location AddressLine4, Location Area, Location Subarea, Action
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD Structure One or more of the following field are missing. All of these field are required:Prescriber Code, Prescriber Name, Can Prescribe Drugs?, Can Purchase Drugs?, Prescriber Segment, Prescriber First Name, Prescriber Last Name, Prescriber Type, Prescriber Subtype, Location Name, Location Area,Location Subarea
EXTRA_DATA_OUTSIDE_HEADERS Structure There is extra data outside of the field headers. Delete the extra data in any line that contains more values than there are field headers.
CODE_NOT_UNIQUE Invalid Data The field Prescriber Code is already used for another entry
NAME_INVALID Invalid Data The format of field Prescriber Name is invalid
AREA_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Area does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
SUBAREA_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Subarea does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
SEGMENT_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Segment does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
TYPE_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Type does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
SUBTYPE_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Subtype does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
LOCATION_NAME_INVALID Invalid Data The format of field Location Name is invalid.
PRESCRIBER_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The prescriber you want to delete has not been found in the system

Prescribers Specialties- Error Codes

Code Category Error Description
MISSING_HEADERS Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: Prescriber Specialty, Action
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: Prescriber Specialty
EXTRA_DATA_OUTSIDE_HEADERS Structure There is extra data outside of the field headers. Delete the extra data in any line that contains more values than there are field headers.
SPECIALTY_ALREADY_EXISTS Invalid Data The Specialty you are trying to import is already configured under your Data source.
SPECIALTY_DELETE_FAIL Invalid Data The Specialty you are trying to delete has not been found under your Data source.

Territories Prescribers- Error Codes

Code Category Error Description
MISSING_HEADERS Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: Prescriber Code, Sales Rep Code , From, Action
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: Prescriber Code, Sales Rep Code
EXTRA_DATA_OUTSIDE_HEADERS Structure There is extra data outside of the field headers. Delete the extra data in any line that contains more values than there are field headers.
FROM INVALID Invalid Data The format of the field From is invalid
PRESCRIBER_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Prescriber Code does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
PRESCRIBER_REP_ALREADY_ASSIGNED Invalid Data The Prescriber Prescriber Code is already mapped to the Sales Rep Sales Rep Code.
SALES_REP_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Sales Rep Code does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
DELETE_FAIL_NO_ASSOCIATION_FOUND Invalid Data No active association found in the system

Team Hierarchy API - Error Codes

Code Category Error Description
MISSING_HEADERS Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: Employee Code N , Employee Code N+1
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD Structure One or more of the following field are missing. All of these field are required: Employee Code N , Employee Code N+1
EXTRA_DATA_OUTSIDE_HEADERS Structure There is extra data outside of the field headers. Delete the extra data in any line that contains more values than there are field headers.
EMPLOYEE_CODE_N_NOT_UNIQUE Invalid Data The field Employee Code N is already used for another entry
EMPLOYEE_CODE_N_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The Employee Code N “employee code n” is not found in the system.
EMPLOYEE_CODE_N+1_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The Employee Code N+1 “employee code n+1” is not found in the system.

Product API - Error Codes

Code Category Error Description
MISSING_HEADERS Structure One or more of the following field headers are missing or misnamed. All of these field headers are required: SKU Code SKU Name, Product Image, Brand Name, Manufacturer, Category, Item form, Unit Count , Packing Type, Packing Details, Molecules , Owner's name ,Price Unit, Price Before VAT , Price After VAT, Action
MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD Structure One or more of the following field are missing. All of these field are required: SKU Code, SKU Name, Brand Name, Manufacturer, Item form, Packing Type
EXTRA_DATA_OUTSIDE_HEADERS Structure There is extra data outside of the field headers. Delete the extra data in any line that contains more values than there are field headers.
SKU_CODE_NOT_UNIQUE Invalid Data The field SKU Code is already used for another entry in your file
SKU_CODE_INVALID Invalid Data The format of field SKU Code is invalid
SKU_NAME_INVALID Invalid Data The format of field SKU Name is invalid
PRODUCT_IMAGE_INVALID Invalid Data The format of field Product Image is invalid
UNIT_COUNT_INVALID Invalid Data The format of field Unit Count is not a number
PRICE_BEFORE_VAT_INVALID Invalid Data TThe format of field Price Before Vat is not a number
PRICE_AFTER_VAT_INVALID Invalid Data The format of field Price After Vat is not a number
CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Category does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
ITEM_FORM_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Item form does not match with something configured in your Data Source.
PACKING_TYPE_NOT_FOUND Invalid Data The value for the field Packing Type does not match with something configured in your Data Source
SKU_CODE_NOT_FOUND_DELETE_FAIL Invalid Data SKU Code you want to delete has not been found in the system. Delete has failed