
Create, Update, Delete Users/Employees

The template of Users.csv file should look like in the table below.

This will update, create or delete (if last column Action = "DELETE") accordingly all Users you input in your file.

Users Template - Specification

Field Format Required/Optional Other validations Description
Employee Code Code Mandatory, Unique Case insensitive Used to identify unique employee within the company
First name Text Mandatory Case insensitive, Max 250 chars
Last name Text Mandatory Case insensitive, Max 250 chars
Full name Text Optional
Email Email Mandatory, Unique
Username Text Mandatory, Unique Case insensitive, Max 50 chars Used to login
Phone number Number Optional, Unique Used to send phone verification code when forget password
Role Number Mandatory Should be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Indicate the respective permissions/rights in CRM
Action Text Optional Put DELETE or nothing

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