
Import your Sales daily

This schema allows you to import sales so that you can reflect sales from your system to your account of
POC. Sales are detailed at items level here.

Sales Template - Specification

Field Format Required/Optional Other validations Description
Invoice date Date Mandatory This is required and the format should follow "YYYY-MM-DD"
Invoice Number Text Mandatory, Unique Max length 20 This is required and should be unique
Return Invoice No Text Optional Max length 20 In case of your sales transaction corresponds to a return invoice, then put the initial invoice number in this field to map the 2 transactions
Customer Code Text Mandatory The Customer code can't be empty and if it does not match with your Customer universe then the sales will be tagged to an uncovered customer visible in your Sales Analytics dashboard
Customer Name Text Mandatory The Customer name will be used in case of an uncovered creation needed because of no matching found with your Customer universe
SKU Code Text Mandatory The SKU Code can't be empty and it needs to match with your Product portfolio imported in the POC Platform
Unit Text Mandatory Put BOX
Quantity Number Mandatory The quantity is mandatory and can be a positive or negative number (in case of returned invoices)
Unit Price (Standard Listing Price) Number Mandatory This field is the standard listing price (before discount) for one unit (vat included), it is mandatory.
Unit Price (Real Selling Price) Number Mandatory This field is the real selling price for one unit (vat included), it is mandatory.
Sales Rep Code Text Optional The Sale Rep Code is optional, but we highly advise you to allocate your Sales directly to Sales Rep in case of Territory Overlap between your FF Team.

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