
Create, Update, Delete Prescribers

The template of Prescribers.csv file should look like in the table below.

This will update, create or delete (if last column Action = "DELETE") accordingly all Prescribers you input in your file.

Prescribers Template - Specification

Field Format Mandatory? Other validations Description
Prescriber Code Code Mandatory, Unique Max 20 Prescriber code in your system
Prescriber Name String Mandatory Max 200 chars Name of your Prescriber
Prescriber Phone String Optional Professional phone of your Prescriber
Prescriber Email String Optional Professional email of your Prescriber
Can Prescribe Drugs? String Mandatory "Yes" or "No"
Can Purchase Drugs? String Mandatory "Yes" or "No"
Prescriber Segment String Optional The Segments you fill here need to match with the Segments list uploaded in POC Platform
Prescriber First Name String Mandatory Max 200 chars That is the first name of the Prescriber himself.
Prescriber Last Name String Mandatory Max 200 chars That is the last name of the Prescriber himself.
Prescriber Private Email String Optional Max 200 chars Private Email of the Prescriber
Prescriber Private Phone String Optional Max 200 chars Private Phone of the Prescriber
Prescriber Social Network String Optional Max 200 chars Social Network of the Prescriber
Prescriber Type String Mandatory Put "PRESCRIBER"
Prescriber Subtype String Mandatory Max 200 chars The Subtype is a specialty in the Prescriber specialties loaded in the POC Platform under your Company, please refer to it.
Location Name String Mandatory The name of the workplace of the prescriber, ex “HOSPITAL ABC”
Location AddressLine1 String Optional Address placeholder
Location AddressLine2 String Optional Address placeholder
Location AddressLine3 String Optional Address placeholder
Location AddressLine4 String Optional Address placeholder
Location Area String Mandatory The Area needs to match with an item in the list of Areas pre-defined values Platform
Location Subarea String Mandatory The Subarea needs to match with an item in the list of Areas pre-defined values
Action String Optional Put DELETE or nothing