
Create, Update, Delete Customers

The template of Customers.csv file should look like in the table below.

This will update, create or delete (if last column Action = "DELETE") accordingly all Customers you input in your file.

Customers Template - Specification

Field Format Required/Optional Other validations Description
Code Text Mandatory, Unique Max 20 chars Unique identifier of the customer
Name Text Mandatory
Region Text Optional Examples: “South”, “North”
Area Text, from pre-defined values Mandatory Examples: “Tỉnh An Giang”, “TP. Hà Nội”
Subarea Text, from pre-defined values Mandatory Examples: “Huyện An Phú”, “Quận Ba Đình”
Ward Text Optional Examples: “Xã Nam Hải”, “Phường 5”
Address Text Mandatory Max 200 chars
Type Text, from defined Customer Types Mandatory
Segment Text, from defined Customer Segments Mandatory
Phone Text Optional
Email Text Optional
Owner's name Text Optional
Action Text Optional Put DELETE or nothing

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